Granada High School EBAL Track & Field Championships - 5/6/2017 to 5/13/2017 Granada High School Event 58 Girls Discus Throw Frosh/Soph ======================================================================= Min mark to measure after 1st attempt: 55-0 Each competitor has 3 attempts, top 9 receive 3 more Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= Flight 1 1 Domondon, Lillian 9 Livermore 58-10 58-10 FOUL FOUL 2 Schwartz, Casey 9 California 57-09 57-09 57-04.50 FOUL 3 Tran, Joanne 9 California 56-07.50 50-02 56-07.50 FOUL 4 Nepangue, Jexy an 10 Monte Vista 51-10 51-10 FOUL FOUL 5 Bahadori, Keyana 9 Foothill 50-06 FOUL 50-06 FOUL 6 Curiel, Sianna 9 California 48-00.50 48-00.50 FOUL FOUL 7 Osborne, Ashlee 10 Dublin 47-05.50 47-05.50 FOUL FOUL 8 Godinez, Aolani 10 Livermore 47-04 47-04 FOUL FOUL 9 Meyer, Bridgette 10 Granada 44-05.50 44-05.50 FOUL FOUL 10 Nguyen, Amy 10 Carondelet 42-03 42-03 FOUL FOUL Flight 2 1 Prabhu, Vinaya 9 California 76-02 2 69-00 72-03 69-02 75-01 76-02 75-11 2 Santarini, Gabrielle 9 California 72-09.50 71-01 72-08 69-11 FOUL 68-11.50 72-09.50 3 Brown, Lindsay 10 Livermore 72-04.50 68-11.50 71-10.50 72-04.50 68-02 64-06.50 65-03.50 4 Bryant, Ashley 9 Dublin 68-07.50 68-07.50 61-02 61-10.50 5 Pham, Britney 10 Livermore 67-03.50 66-02.50 67-03.50 64-09 6 Chippero, Hope 9 California 58-08.50 58-08.50 56-05 56-11.50 7 Seronio, Cristina 9 California 56-08.50 51-04.50 56-08.50 FOUL 8 Anuja, Rina 9 California 55-04.50 53-02 FOUL 55-04.50 9 Funkhouser, Lauren 9 San Ramon Valley 44-05.50 44-05.50 FOUL FOUL Flight 3 1 Lister, Annika 9 California 88-08.50 10 72-07.50 86-11.50 75-04 88-08.50 78-03.50 79-05 2 Leong, Kaitlin 10 California 82-03.50 8 79-11 80-08.50 73-02.50 FOUL 82-03.50 FOUL 3 Morrisette, Ilene 10 California 79-06 6 79-06 69-11.50 69-00 65-01 77-08 71-08 4 Camacho, Alicia 9 California 79-05 4 75-09.50 74-02 78-01 74-09.50 FOUL 79-05 5 Banducci, Allie 10 California 75-00 1 71-10.50 61-05 60-06 75-00 74-09 70-00 6 Stewart, Kayla 9 California 72-02.50 56-11 72-02.50 59-05 62-11.50 70-05.50 66-07.50 7 Stamps, Taylor 10 Granada 70-05 70-05 69-04.50 FOUL 8 Coleman, Alyssa 9 Monte Vista 69-06.50 FOUL 69-06.50 69-04 9 Holden, Julia 10 California 68-01 68-01 66-03 FOUL 10 Senthil, Srinidhi 9 California 67-01 67-01 64-03.50 58-04 ======================================================================= Min mark to measure after 1st attempt: 55-0 Each competitor has 3 attempts, top 9 receive 3 more Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= Finals 1 Lister, Annika 9 California 88-08.50 10 72-07.50 86-11.50 75-04 88-08.50 78-03.50 79-05 2 Leong, Kaitlin 10 California 82-03.50 8 79-11 80-08.50 73-02.50 FOUL 82-03.50 FOUL 3 Morrisette, Ilene 10 California 79-06 6 79-06 69-11.50 69-00 65-01 77-08 71-08 4 Camacho, Alicia 9 California 79-05 4 75-09.50 74-02 78-01 74-09.50 FOUL 79-05 5 Prabhu, Vinaya 9 California 76-02 2 69-00 72-03 69-02 75-01 76-02 75-11 6 Banducci, Allie 10 California 75-00 1 71-10.50 61-05 60-06 75-00 74-09 70-00 7 Santarini, Gabrielle 9 California 72-09.50 71-01 72-08 69-11 FOUL 68-11.50 72-09.50 8 Brown, Lindsay 10 Livermore 72-04.50 68-11.50 71-10.50 72-04.50 68-02 64-06.50 65-03.50 9 Stewart, Kayla 9 California 72-02.50 56-11 72-02.50 59-05 62-11.50 70-05.50 66-07.50 10 Stamps, Taylor 10 Granada 70-05 70-05 69-04.50 FOUL 11 Coleman, Alyssa 9 Monte Vista 69-06.50 FOUL 69-06.50 69-04 12 Bryant, Ashley 9 Dublin 68-07.50 68-07.50 61-02 61-10.50 13 Holden, Julia 10 California 68-01 68-01 66-03 FOUL 14 Pham, Britney 10 Livermore 67-03.50 66-02.50 67-03.50 64-09 15 Senthil, Srinidhi 9 California 67-01 67-01 64-03.50 58-04 16 Domondon, Lillian 9 Livermore 58-10 58-10 FOUL FOUL 17 Chippero, Hope 9 California 58-08.50 58-08.50 56-05 56-11.50 18 Schwartz, Casey 9 California 57-09 57-09 57-04.50 FOUL 19 Seronio, Cristina 9 California 56-08.50 51-04.50 56-08.50 FOUL 20 Tran, Joanne 9 California 56-07.50 50-02 56-07.50 FOUL 21 Anuja, Rina 9 California 55-04.50 53-02 FOUL 55-04.50 22 Nepangue, Jexy an 10 Monte Vista 51-10 51-10 FOUL FOUL 23 Bahadori, Keyana 9 Foothill 50-06 FOUL 50-06 FOUL 24 Curiel, Sianna 9 California 48-00.50 48-00.50 FOUL FOUL 25 Osborne, Ashlee 10 Dublin 47-05.50 47-05.50 FOUL FOUL 26 Godinez, Aolani 10 Livermore 47-04 47-04 FOUL FOUL 27 Funkhouser, Lauren 9 San Ramon Valley 44-05.50 44-05.50 FOUL FOUL 27 Meyer, Bridgette 10 Granada 44-05.50 44-05.50 FOUL FOUL 29 Nguyen, Amy 10 Carondelet 42-03 42-03 FOUL FOUL ============================================================================= Women - Frosh/Soph - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored ============================================================================= 1) California 174 2) San Ramon Valley 58 3) Carondelet 54.50 4) Dougherty Valley 46 5) Livermore 43 6) Amador Valley 34 7) Monte Vista 22 8) Foothill 17 9) Dublin 9.50 10) Granada 7