EBAL Track & Field Championships - 5/5/2018 to 5/12/2018 California High School Event 26 Girls Discus Throw Varsity ======================================================================= Top 6 advance to NCS Tri-Valley Each competitor has 3 attempts, top 9 receive 3 more EBAL: R 141-01 1989 Debbie Cembellin, Amador Valley 117-06 NCS At-Large Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= Flight 1 1 Martin, Sarah Ange 11 Carondelet 69-04.00 FOUL 62-07 69-04 2 Meyer, Bridgette 11 Granada 68-04.00 64-03 FOUL 68-04 3 Nepangue, Jexy an 11 Monte Vista 66-09.00 63-05 66-09 FOUL 4 Wilder, Harleigh 11 Livermore 64-01.00 53-03 64-01 58-10 5 Lewis, Katherine 11 Granada 55-06.00 49-02 53-02 55-06 6 Blanco, Andrea 11 Foothill 53-10.00 47-10 53-10 51-02 7 McCue, Samantha 11 Foothill 53-00.00 35-03 FOUL 53-00 8 Reyes-medina, Lize 12 Monte Vista 51-03.00 49-06 51-03 50-08 Flight 2 1 Zavala, Xitlalli 11 Dublin 89-10.00 89-10 FOUL 80-05 2 Morrisette, Ilene 11 California 88-05.00 FOUL FOUL 88-05 3 Camacho, Alicia 10 California 78-06.00 FOUL 64-04 78-06 4 Bell, Trinity 9 Granada 76-03.00 76-03 FOUL FOUL 5 Murray, Julianna 11 San Ramon Valley 75-09.00 63-08 75-09 65-09 6 Abele, Jane 11 Granada 73-07.00 FOUL 73-07 62-05 7 Schnapp, Courtney 9 Granada 71-04.00 71-04 70-00 FOUL 8 Dupee, Chaylin 12 Dougherty Valley 70-10.00 FOUL 70-10 FOUL 9 Stewart, Kayla 10 California 69-10.00 69-10 65-00 66-00 10 Burkett, Angelina 12 Livermore 69-09.00 69-09 61-03 FOUL 11 Guidice, Blake 11 Amador Valley 63-03.00 63-03 51-02 FOUL Flight 3 1 Banducci, Allie 11 California 89-00.00 89-00 65-00 80-07 2 Prabhu, Vinaya 10 California 87-11.00 FOUL 87-11 FOUL 3 Nye, Kasey 10 California 87-00.00 87-00 84-00 FOUL 4 Mejia, Sabrina 9 Granada 86-09.00 FOUL 85-06 86-09 5 Chestnut-Lockett, 12 Carondelet 83-05.00 74-02 83-05 FOUL 6 Neubrand, Catherin 12 Dougherty Valley 81-04.00 80-04 FOUL 81-04 7 Vilchez, Josephine 12 Carondelet 80-05.00 74-09 76-00 80-05 8 Bonfiglio, Alyssa 12 Livermore 76-06.00 52-07 76-06 67-00 9 Raasch, Katie 11 Dublin 74-07.00 74-07 71-03 FOUL 10 Holden, Julia 11 California 74-05.00 74-05 FOUL 69-03 11 Van Horn, Kylia 12 Foothill 67-06.00 FOUL 67-06 FOUL -- Wang, Livia 12 Dougherty Valley FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL -- Stamps, Taylor 11 Granada FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL Flight 4 1 March, Emily 12 Granada 142-02.00RNCS 10 125-09 119-08 142-02 FOUL 133-11 140-03 2 March, Claire 10 Granada 117-07.00 NCS 8 105-08 114-00 107-02 104-06 FOUL 117-07 3 Fouts, Kiersten 12 Carondelet 115-00.00 6 FOUL FOUL 115-00 FOUL FOUL FOUL 4 Williams, Breana 10 Dublin 100-03.00 4 99-00 100-03 FOUL 87-07 92-10 FOUL 5 Rogge, Morgan 10 Livermore 97-09.00 2 86-10 94-00 90-02 97-09 FOUL 96-07 6 Veran Sanchez, Sop 12 Carondelet 97-05.00 1 93-00 FOUL FOUL 87-10 FOUL 97-05 7 Lister, Annika 10 California 96-11.00 96-03 96-11 94-00 87-02 93-02 84-02 8 Bryant, Ashley 10 Dublin 96-07.00 96-07 FOUL FOUL 86-05 78-06 FOUL 9 Terrell, Kai 12 San Ramon Valley 93-06.00 80-01 85-00 93-06 79-11 57-00 85-10 10 Tincher, Mary 11 Amador Valley 92-06.00 92-06 88-00 FOUL 11 Hummel, Kristen 10 California 86-11.00 86-11 80-01 85-07 12 Emmanuele, Ashley 9 Livermore 86-03.00 FOUL 83-08 86-03 13 Coleman, Alyssa 10 Monte Vista 83-08.00 83-08 FOUL FOUL ======================================================================= Top 6 advance to NCS Tri-Valley Each competitor has 3 attempts, top 9 receive 3 more EBAL: R 141-01 1989 Debbie Cembellin, Amador Valley 117-06 NCS At-Large Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= Finals 1 March, Emily 12 Granada 142-02.00RNCS 10 125-09 119-08 142-02 FOUL 133-11 140-03 2 March, Claire 10 Granada 117-07.00 NCS 8 105-08 114-00 107-02 104-06 FOUL 117-07 3 Fouts, Kiersten 12 Carondelet 115-00.00 6 FOUL FOUL 115-00 FOUL FOUL FOUL 4 Williams, Breana 10 Dublin 100-03.00 4 99-00 100-03 FOUL 87-07 92-10 FOUL 5 Rogge, Morgan 10 Livermore 97-09.00 2 86-10 94-00 90-02 97-09 FOUL 96-07 6 Veran Sanchez, Sop 12 Carondelet 97-05.00 1 93-00 FOUL FOUL 87-10 FOUL 97-05 7 Lister, Annika 10 California 96-11.00 96-03 96-11 94-00 87-02 93-02 84-02 8 Bryant, Ashley 10 Dublin 96-07.00 96-07 FOUL FOUL 86-05 78-06 FOUL 9 Terrell, Kai 12 San Ramon Valley 93-06.00 80-01 85-00 93-06 79-11 57-00 85-10 10 Tincher, Mary 11 Amador Valley 92-06.00 92-06 88-00 FOUL 11 Zavala, Xitlalli 11 Dublin 89-10.00 89-10 FOUL 80-05 12 Banducci, Allie 11 California 89-00.00 89-00 65-00 80-07 13 Morrisette, Ilene 11 California 88-05.00 FOUL FOUL 88-05 14 Prabhu, Vinaya 10 California 87-11.00 FOUL 87-11 FOUL 15 Nye, Kasey 10 California 87-00.00 87-00 84-00 FOUL 16 Hummel, Kristen 10 California 86-11.00 86-11 80-01 85-07 17 Mejia, Sabrina 9 Granada 86-09.00 FOUL 85-06 86-09 18 Emmanuele, Ashley 9 Livermore 86-03.00 FOUL 83-08 86-03 19 Coleman, Alyssa 10 Monte Vista 83-08.00 83-08 FOUL FOUL 20 Chestnut-Lockett, 12 Carondelet 83-05.00 74-02 83-05 FOUL 21 Neubrand, Catherin 12 Dougherty Valley 81-04.00 80-04 FOUL 81-04 22 Vilchez, Josephine 12 Carondelet 80-05.00 74-09 76-00 80-05 23 Camacho, Alicia 10 California 78-06.00 FOUL 64-04 78-06 24 Bonfiglio, Alyssa 12 Livermore 76-06.00 52-07 76-06 67-00 25 Bell, Trinity 9 Granada 76-03.00 76-03 FOUL FOUL 26 Murray, Julianna 11 San Ramon Valley 75-09.00 63-08 75-09 65-09 27 Raasch, Katie 11 Dublin 74-07.00 74-07 71-03 FOUL 28 Holden, Julia 11 California 74-05.00 74-05 FOUL 69-03 29 Abele, Jane 11 Granada 73-07.00 FOUL 73-07 62-05 30 Schnapp, Courtney 9 Granada 71-04.00 71-04 70-00 FOUL 31 Dupee, Chaylin 12 Dougherty Valley 70-10.00 FOUL 70-10 FOUL 32 Stewart, Kayla 10 California 69-10.00 69-10 65-00 66-00 33 Burkett, Angelina 12 Livermore 69-09.00 69-09 61-03 FOUL 34 Martin, Sarah Ange 11 Carondelet 69-04.00 FOUL 62-07 69-04 35 Meyer, Bridgette 11 Granada 68-04.00 64-03 FOUL 68-04 36 Van Horn, Kylia 12 Foothill 67-06.00 FOUL 67-06 FOUL 37 Nepangue, Jexy an 11 Monte Vista 66-09.00 63-05 66-09 FOUL 38 Wilder, Harleigh 11 Livermore 64-01.00 53-03 64-01 58-10 39 Guidice, Blake 11 Amador Valley 63-03.00 63-03 51-02 FOUL 40 Lewis, Katherine 11 Granada 55-06.00 49-02 53-02 55-06 41 Blanco, Andrea 11 Foothill 53-10.00 47-10 53-10 51-02 42 McCue, Samantha 11 Foothill 53-00.00 35-03 FOUL 53-00 43 Reyes-medina, Lize 12 Monte Vista 51-03.00 49-06 51-03 50-08 -- Wang, Livia 12 Dougherty Valley FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL -- Stamps, Taylor 11 Granada FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL ============================================================================= Women - Varsity - Team Rankings - 3 Events Scored ============================================================================= 1) Dublin 41 2) Granada 18 3) Carondelet 13 4) Dougherty Valley 8 5) California 6 6) Amador Valley 4 7) Livermore 3