Diablo Timing - Contractor License 3/2/2024 - 10:16 PM Dan Gabor Sprint & Distance Festival Hosted by Amador Valley HS Amador Valley High School - 3/2/2024 Event 28 Boys Discus Throw Open ================================================================ Boys Discus STARTS 30 Minutes after conclusion of Girls Discus Meet Record: R 145-07 3/5/2022 Jacob Watts, James Logan Name Year School Finals ================================================================ Flight 1 1 Howe, Alexander 9 Miramonte (Nc) 88-09 58-08 76-06 77-07 88-09 2 Evans, Alvin 9 California Schoo 78-11 70-00 77-04 71-05 78-11 3 Ugarte, Tomas 9 Northgate (Nc) 78-10 78-10 62-00 72-05 77-10 4 Dhingra, Samarth 9 Foothill (Nc) 75-10 61-10 68-10 71-05 75-10 5 Bracken, William 9 San Ramon Va 75-03 68-10 FOUL 62-02 75-03 6 Garcia, Ryan 9 San Ramon Va 72-10 64-05 64-08 72-10 FOUL 7 Emett, Grady 9 San Ramon Va 62-07 62-07 58-07 58-06 55-10 8 Chojar, Sohum 9 Foothill (Nc) 60-05 60-05 59-06 49-06 50-09 9 Gakhar, Shaurya 9 Foothill (Nc) 54-10 47-11 54-10 45-10 51-03 10 Hilton, Henry 9 College Park (Nc) 46-04 43-01 46-04 FOUL FOUL Flight 2 1 McCarn, Quinn 12 Foothill (Nc) 97-06 97-06 FOUL FOUL FOUL 2 Bumpus, Soren 11 Granada (Nc) 95-11 70-01 87-04 86-08 95-11 3 Knisley, Zachary 12 Northgate (Nc) 95-10 90-01 95-10 92-08 86-04 4 Dingel, Jaden 11 California Schoo 92-11 FOUL FOUL 89-01 92-11 5 Moreno, Raul 11 Granada (Nc) 90-08 90-08 FOUL 79-08 84-10 6 Kengla, Ethan 11 Northgate (Nc) 90-03 76-00 60-11 79-05 90-03 7 Belli, Nathaniel 11 Castro Valley (Nc) 90-02 71-01 90-02 78-09 68-02 8 Rodriguez, Alejandro 11 San Ramon Va 89-05 FOUL 83-05 89-05 78-04 9 Eltho, Jeremy 12 San Ramon Va 89-02 FOUL 89-02 89-00 87-07 10 Schlatter, John 12 Castro Valley (Nc) 86-11 86-11 72-03 83-11 81-05 11 Alhaj, Sharbel 12 California Schoo 69-07 50-09 69-07 58-06 47-04 Flight 3 1 Lundholm, Alexander 11 Las Lomas (Nc) 123-06 122-01 119-08 114-00 123-06 2 Otero, Maximillian 10 College Park (Nc) 111-04 FOUL FOUL FOUL 111-04 3 Lee, Zachary 10 College Park (Nc) 111-02 105-02 111-02 94-03 110-09 4 Strait, Kyle 11 Granada (Nc) 105-09 100-11 99-03 105-09 101-08 5 Rogge, Benjamin -- Castro Valley (Nc) 104-05 94-00 104-05 77-09 81-07 6 Nhingsavath, Jai 12 Alhambra (Nc) 103-01 84-00 FOUL 93-02 103-01 7 Tennyson, Brayden 10 Granada (Nc) 99-00 94-01 95-10 99-00 FOUL 8 Garcia, Gavin 11 San Ramon Va 89-03 FOUL 89-03 87-10 88-03 9 Jennings, Colin 11 Amador Valley (Nc) 88-00 FOUL FOUL 88-00 83-07 10 Smith III, Charles 12 Alhambra (Nc) 80-01 FOUL 80-01 FOUL 68-07 Flight 4 1 Viri, Joseph 11 Granada (Nc) 119-05 112-07 111-05 119-05 115-06 2 Sepulveda, Andres 11 Piedmont Hills (Cc) 115-04 111-04 115-04 110-09 114-00 3 Hernan, Connor 12 Foothill (Nc) 109-00 95-05 109-00 FOUL FOUL 4 Kushner, Micah 12 Alhambra (Nc) 106-00 95-00 106-00 96-05 FOUL 5 Flores-Montoya, Mario 12 California Schoo 104-03 104-03 98-01 96-04 103-10 6 Kerezsi, Dawson 11 Granada (Nc) 104-00 90-04 86-04 91-08 104-00 7 Hydrick, Joshua 11 Granada (Nc) 98-04 FOUL 89-10 98-04 96-09 8 Sautter Savala, Gabriel 11 Miramonte (Nc) 95-02 75-08 81-06 95-02 94-00 9 Yang, Christopher 12 Foothill (Nc) 84-10 FOUL 84-10 FOUL FOUL Flight 5 1 Thorpe, Xavier 12 Livermore (Nc) 130-06 120-00 FOUL 111-06 130-06 2 Smoak, Chandler 11 Livermore (Nc) 130-01 127-10 116-00 130-01 112-00 3 Saludo, Leonidas 11 Piedmont Hills (Cc) 123-09 123-09 120-08 122-07 FOUL 4 Arias, Andrew -- Castro Valley (Nc) 114-07 109-03 114-07 106-08 FOUL 5 Frietas, Joseph 12 Granada (Nc) 112-06 112-02 109-01 110-04 112-06 6 Soares, Shane 11 Amador Valley (Nc) 110-09 110-09 98-03 FOUL FOUL 7 Williams, Colton 11 Granada (Nc) 110-08 110-08 109-08 FOUL FOUL 8 Mock, Evan 12 San Ramon Va 108-01 FOUL 96-10 108-01 105-06 9 Chiarelli, Daniel 12 San Ramon Va 98-05 92-00 85-09 98-05 91-07 =================================================================== Boys Discus STARTS 30 Minutes after conclusion of Girls Discus Meet Record: R 145-07 3/5/2022 Jacob Watts, James Logan Name Year School Finals H# =================================================================== Finals 1 Thorpe, Xavier 12 Livermore (Nc) 130-06 5 120-00 FOUL 111-06 130-06 2 Smoak, Chandler 11 Livermore (Nc) 130-01 5 127-10 116-00 130-01 112-00 3 Saludo, Leonidas 11 Piedmont Hills (Cc) 123-09 5 123-09 120-08 122-07 FOUL 4 Lundholm, Alexander 11 Las Lomas (Nc) 123-06 3 122-01 119-08 114-00 123-06 5 Viri, Joseph 11 Granada (Nc) 119-05 4 112-07 111-05 119-05 115-06 6 Sepulveda, Andres 11 Piedmont Hills (Cc) 115-04 4 111-04 115-04 110-09 114-00 7 Arias, Andrew -- Castro Valley (Nc) 114-07 5 109-03 114-07 106-08 FOUL 8 Frietas, Joseph 12 Granada (Nc) 112-06 5 112-02 109-01 110-04 112-06 9 Otero, Maximillian 10 College Park (Nc) 111-04 3 FOUL FOUL FOUL 111-04 10 Lee, Zachary 10 College Park (Nc) 111-02 3 105-02 111-02 94-03 110-09 11 Soares, Shane 11 Amador Valley (Nc) 110-09 5 110-09 98-03 FOUL FOUL 12 Williams, Colton 11 Granada (Nc) 110-08 5 110-08 109-08 FOUL FOUL 13 Hernan, Connor 12 Foothill (Nc) 109-00 4 95-05 109-00 FOUL FOUL 14 Mock, Evan 12 San Ramon Va 108-01 5 FOUL 96-10 108-01 105-06 15 Kushner, Micah 12 Alhambra (Nc) 106-00 4 95-00 106-00 96-05 FOUL 16 Strait, Kyle 11 Granada (Nc) 105-09 3 100-11 99-03 105-09 101-08 17 Rogge, Benjamin -- Castro Valley (Nc) 104-05 3 94-00 104-05 77-09 81-07 18 Flores-Montoya, Mario 12 California Schoo 104-03 4 104-03 98-01 96-04 103-10 19 Kerezsi, Dawson 11 Granada (Nc) 104-00 4 90-04 86-04 91-08 104-00 20 Nhingsavath, Jai 12 Alhambra (Nc) 103-01 3 84-00 FOUL 93-02 103-01 21 Tennyson, Brayden 10 Granada (Nc) 99-00 3 94-01 95-10 99-00 FOUL 22 Chiarelli, Daniel 12 San Ramon Va 98-05 5 92-00 85-09 98-05 91-07 23 Hydrick, Joshua 11 Granada (Nc) 98-04 4 FOUL 89-10 98-04 96-09 24 McCarn, Quinn 12 Foothill (Nc) 97-06 2 97-06 FOUL FOUL FOUL 25 Bumpus, Soren 11 Granada (Nc) 95-11 2 70-01 87-04 86-08 95-11 26 Knisley, Zachary 12 Northgate (Nc) 95-10 2 90-01 95-10 92-08 86-04 27 Sautter Savala, Gabriel 11 Miramonte (Nc) 95-02 4 75-08 81-06 95-02 94-00 28 Dingel, Jaden 11 California Schoo 92-11 2 FOUL FOUL 89-01 92-11 29 Moreno, Raul 11 Granada (Nc) 90-08 2 90-08 FOUL 79-08 84-10 30 Kengla, Ethan 11 Northgate (Nc) 90-03 2 76-00 60-11 79-05 90-03 31 Belli, Nathaniel 11 Castro Valley (Nc) 90-02 2 71-01 90-02 78-09 68-02 32 Rodriguez, Alejandro 11 San Ramon Va 89-05 2 FOUL 83-05 89-05 78-04 33 Garcia, Gavin 11 San Ramon Va 89-03 3 FOUL 89-03 87-10 88-03 34 Eltho, Jeremy 12 San Ramon Va 89-02 2 FOUL 89-02 89-00 87-07 35 Howe, Alexander 9 Miramonte (Nc) 88-09 1 58-08 76-06 77-07 88-09 36 Jennings, Colin 11 Amador Valley (Nc) 88-00 3 FOUL FOUL 88-00 83-07 37 Schlatter, John 12 Castro Valley (Nc) 86-11 2 86-11 72-03 83-11 81-05 38 Yang, Christopher 12 Foothill (Nc) 84-10 4 FOUL 84-10 FOUL FOUL 39 Smith III, Charles 12 Alhambra (Nc) 80-01 3 FOUL 80-01 FOUL 68-07 40 Evans, Alvin 9 California Schoo 78-11 1 70-00 77-04 71-05 78-11 41 Ugarte, Tomas 9 Northgate (Nc) 78-10 1 78-10 62-00 72-05 77-10 42 Dhingra, Samarth 9 Foothill (Nc) 75-10 1 61-10 68-10 71-05 75-10 43 Bracken, William 9 San Ramon Va 75-03 1 68-10 FOUL 62-02 75-03 44 Garcia, Ryan 9 San Ramon Va 72-10 1 64-05 64-08 72-10 FOUL 45 Alhaj, Sharbel 12 California Schoo 69-07 2 50-09 69-07 58-06 47-04 46 Emett, Grady 9 San Ramon Va 62-07 1 62-07 58-07 58-06 55-10 47 Chojar, Sohum 9 Foothill (Nc) 60-05 1 60-05 59-06 49-06 50-09 48 Gakhar, Shaurya 9 Foothill (Nc) 54-10 1 47-11 54-10 45-10 51-03 49 Hilton, Henry 9 College Park (Nc) 46-04 1 43-01 46-04 FOUL FOUL